02455 Experiment in Cognitive Science

Type of assessment: Group oral examination and individualized group report with a page limit. 60% oral exam, 40% report Exam duration: Oral exam: 30 minutes Aid: Presentation slides Evaluation: 7 step scale, external examiner General course objectives Experimentation in cognitive science is a young field, and many mysteries remain about human behaviour, perception, and performance. With the ever-growing amount of human data available, and development of data science and artificial intelligence, it is a crucial time for understanding how to collect, handle, and interpret human data. ...

Ivana Konvalinka

02456 Deep Learning

Type of assessment: Oral examination and reports (hand in report first and the poster presentation to allow for questions based on reports) Aids: All - Evaluation: 7 step scale, internal examiner Learning objectives A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of machine learning terminology such as likelihood function, maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference, feed-forward, convolutional and Transformer neural networks, and error back propagation. ...

Jes Frellsen

02461 Introduction to intelligent systems

Exam: Written examination and reports Written exam (weight 40%) and individualized group report (weight 60%) Participation in project work activities are mandatory. Exam duration: Written exam: 2 hours Aid: One handwritten page (provided or own notes?) Evaluation: 7 step scale , external examiner General course objectives To give the participants a basic knowledge of · defining aspects of intelligent systems, · applications of intelligent systems in image, audio, text and game data, ...

Mikkel Schmidt

02466 Project work - Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence and Data

Type of assessment: Oral examination and reports Evaluation: 7 step scale General course objectives To qualify and train students in project work and provide a deeper understanding of one or more subjects within modelling, design and evaluation of intelligent systems. Learning objectives A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to: Set up own learning objectives for the project work. Limit a subject area, suitable for a project of 10 ECTS, within modelling, design and evaluation of intelligent systems. ...

Morten Mørup

02806 Social data analysis and visualization

Evaluation of exercises/reports. The grading is based on an overall evaluation of exercises (50%) and final project report (50%). Specifically, the grade is based on individualized group reports. Exam duration: Written exam: 4 hours Evaluation: 7 step scale, internal examiner General course objectives The course objective is to enable students to create visualizations of complex data sets and to apply common strategies for understanding the content of data sets (e.g. text, music, images, etc). ...

Sune Lehmann

02809 UX Design Prototyping

Background The UX Design Prototyping course enables students to develop functional User Experience design prototypes on a variety of mobile devices using lean prototyping methods. Course evaluation is based on reports, with an emphasis on documenting process steps that include qualitative and quantitative testing with users. Use of AI in the course Use of Generative AI will be allowed in the course and can be useful for e.g. idea generation, image generation, elements of prototyping, information search etc. ...

Per Bækgaard

41031 Industrial design 1

Course description In this three-week course students develop basic knowledge and skills of the industrial design process. Students are tasked with developing a consumer product that addresses problems and needs of an identified target group. The students develop skills in concept generation, visual communication, 3-D plastic modelling, and the synthesis of form, colour, materials, and functionality. Learning goals Describe and apply basic industrial design methodology Identify design related problems and needs in target groups ...

Michael Deininger

AI in 26010 Introductory Project in Chemistry**

In 2023, I Esben Thormann, DTU Chemistry introduced the use of AI in the ‘Introductory Project in Chemistry.’ Additionally, I made it mandatory for students to include a paragraph in their reports detailing how AI had been utilized in their projects. Below, I have added some of these paragraphs, some of which are in Danish and some in English. For the 2024 version of the course, based on the lessons learned in 2023, I plan to provide more effective examples during the introductory sessions. I will also discuss the dangers and pitfalls of AI usage more explicitly. ...

Esben Thormann

Generative AI (ChatGPT) in 62142 Digitalization and Industry 4.0

Course objective: To provide students with the skills to use GhatGPT in their assignments. The course is a non-programming course, which focuses on digital technology understanding, implementation and operation. Target audience: B. Eng. students specializing in the implementation and use of digitalization and Industry 4.0 technologies. Use of generative AI: in Assignments (which are part of the exam) Course content from course database: Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have have a significant impact on the value chains, production systems, and processes. Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have affected the production of products as well as the production of services (for example in the financial sector, health care and in the transport sector). Digitalization and the application of data provide new opportunities to develop and optimize the company’s value chains, production systems, and processes. However, there is a challenge for many companies about creating real value from digitalization. This course will, based on the ongoing movement towards Industry 4.0, will provide students with an overview of the opportunities that digitization provides to develop and optimize value chains, production systems and processes ...

Samuel Brüning Larsen

Generative AI in 34368 Global Communication Infrastructure and Design

Course Objective To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, technologies, and strategies involved in designing and managing global communication networks. Target Audience Graduate students specializing in telecommunications, network engineering, or related fields. Use of generative AI in Assignments (which are part of the exam) Course content from course database The focus of the course will be on providing the students of a general understanding of the complexity of the core and transport infrastructure. It will contain topics such as network topologies, network layering and stratification, reference models, complex communication systems, transmission and multiplexing protocols and their internal relation, logical vs. physical networks, traffic characterization, network resilience, network control and management, node architecture, energy efficiency, quality of service (QoS) and Quality of Experience, and transition from legacy to next generation networks. Assignments, groupwork, peer-evaluation and presentations are an integral part of the course. ...

Sarah Renée Ruepp